CaLAThe term

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Spatial data infrastructure

Alternative label:

Broader terms:
Geolocated information

Narrower terms:
Geographic information system

Related terms:

A framework of policies, institutional arrangements, technologies, data, and people that enable the effective sharing and use of geographic information

Scope Note:
Joinup, EU Commission (


Close match:

In other Languages:
Danish: Geografisk infrastruktur
Turkish: Coğrafi veri altyapısı
Malay: Infrastruktur data spatial
Dutch: Ruimtelijke data-infrastructuur

CaLAThe_Ver5 Spatial data infrastructure Spatial data infrastructure Geographic information system Geographic information system Spatial data infrastructure->Geographic information system Gazetteer Gazetteer Spatial data infrastructure->Gazetteer Geolocated information Geolocated information Geolocated information->Spatial data infrastructure